Panic and emotions in the chest.
I recently ended up in a kind of panic situation. Something triggered me. I was no longer in control of the situation. I just couldn’t let it go. My breath was strong and upward. Up in my chest. At the same time, on an inhalation, my hands moved towards my chest. The muscles between my ribs are full with emotions and energy.
I go to my inner child and ask him when such a situation occurred in the past. This is his answer: something very bad has happened according to my parents. Huge panic. But what can I do about it? I have to do something, but I don’t know what. The fear hits my heart. My breath catches in my throat. I am helpless.
Now as an elderly person it is good to recognise and feel these emotions again and to be aware of the energy that is still there in the chest. It is time to let the energy flow. I give the inner child a big hug. “I love you. Everything is fine. You’re safe.” I open my shoulders and my hips, So I can let the energy flow away with a smile and I open my heart.
Another emotion that is close by is the fear that you have done something wrong. Something for which you will have to pay. That fear also suddenly stores a fear energy in your chest. Supported by your right hand.
Your inner child also feels this fear very well. Let the stored emotion and energy release in the same way and flow away through your arms and especially your legs. Accompany that with a smile and a hug to your inner child, and say “I love you. You are safe”.
You will notice when you repeat this meditation the negative energy that is stored in your chest will change into a positive energy that keeps you from running away. Instead it has become a challenging fear. Welcome it with a smile.