The energy on Earth is changing. It feels more powerful and has also increased in frequency. Certainly the beginning of April was very intense. In order to rise in frequency yourself, you have to heal old wounds. What helps me with this is the method in which you listen to your inner child. Your self-esteem has a strong relationship with how you were treated as a child. Emotions such as fear, anger, shame, etc. can be stored in your body during your childhood.
Sometimes in your daily life you can come across situations that hurt you. Don’t look the other way, but use these triggers to ask your inner child where the pain is coming from.
Emotions are energy. You can feel an emotion that is stored in your body again. The energy is usually locked up and hurts somewhere. Try to get that energy moving. See if you can change it into positive energy or otherwise discharge it through your arms and hands, legs and feet or neck and throat.
To get the energy flow going I use the power that I have in my hands. If you want I can help you with that. Via the link contact you can send me an email with your question.
In addition, you can also use other methods such as Yoga, or QiGong, or tapping or dancing. And also a walk through nature helps.
To get the energy flow going I use the power that I have in my hands. If you want I can help you with that. Via the link contact you can send me an email with your question.
In addition, you can also use other methods such as Yoga, or QiGong, or tapping or dancing. And also a walk through nature helps.
I have written a number of healing meditations as an example and posted them here on this website. It is recommended to start with fear and anger. And then the others if they appeal to you. Again: I can help you if you want. Via the link contact you can send me an email with your question.
If you spend a lot of time working with your inner child, you will notice that your relationship with your inner child improves. It used to be short of love, attention and security. Often we have instructed our inner child ourselves how to behave in order to survive. In that case, the Ho’oponopono is appropriate. Over time you will also notice which needs belong to your inner child and which to you as an adult.
You will also notice that as you heal more old wounds your own energy frequency will rise and you will be able to connect more and more easily with your soul and the universe.