An inner child meditation.
That feeling “I am not good enough”. Do you recognize that? You blame everyone around you for not finding you good enough. You don’t get the appreciation and respect you deserve. “I am not understood”. With that you point the attention and energy outwards. Go inside. Connect with your inner child. Mirroring.
Within it is a child who, in the first 5 to 7 years in particular, was short of love, attention and a sense of security. Connect with the inner child. Invite it. Approach it gently with a lot of respect. Let it be welcome. “You are safe”.
What does it look like? What does it feel like? Anger, sadness, fear, shame? Place your right hand on your heart chakra. Let the love flow. Connect with your inner child. When emotions arise, let them flow. Open your shoulders and your neck. Open your hips and let the emotions flow. Now put your left hand on your heart chakra and your right hand on your root chakra. Do the H’oponopono and address the inner child. “I’m sorry I neglected you all these years. Forgive me. I love you so much. Thank you.
Now move your right hand to your solar plexis. Your 3rd chakra. Open it and let the energy flow. Feel yourself becoming strong and powerful. The inner child will gain more confidence in you when you are powerful.
Repeat this exercise every day. Your inner child needs a lot of attention. It wants to be seen, felt and heard. You will see that over time the bond with your inner child will improve. Then you can become the parent (re-parent-ing) of your child. You learn to recognize the needs that belong to your inner child. This also brings you closer to your own needs. That can cause a conflict. As a parent, you don’t always have to agree with the needs of your inner child. Solve it with love and understanding. Without judging or getting angry.